
Even though my dog had a lot of foundation training, I hit a training block when it came to my dog reacting to other dogs while on a leash. Edward personally brought his dog over to my house, quickly accessed my dogs situation and was able to high light exactly what needed to be focused on & his idea to bring a clicker into the training regime was genius -my dog responded incredibly well. Edward is very knowledgeable & knows not every dog trains the same, so hes phenomenal at finding a way of training that works best for you & your dog. I look forward to continuing session with Edward && my dog had made monumental progress already with his help. thank you so much ! I will definitely be recommending K9 TrainEd whenever anyone needs a trainer!- Denae

Ed is a great dog "whisperer" He uses only positive reinforcement--no collars that shock or choke. He comes very well prepared for each session--treats, collars, toys, distraction aps on his phone. Today he even brought a stuffed decoy dog and stationed it out on the sidewalk so Archer could practice walking with distractions. Ed's in home sessions are very reasonably priced. - Pam G

My 4 year old pup Izzo learned how to stay on her “place” while guests knocked at the door and entered our home. She calms faster and jumps less. Ed gave us homework each week to reinforce what we learned during our sessions. Izzo can stay, come, and leave it with much greater success. Have fun! - Jen F.

Ed did a wonderful job with our two dogs! I highly recommend working with him. When we first started out, our dogs were a little crazy, easily excitable, and hard to calm down. Now they both "go to bed" when asked, and are really good at "stay", "leave-it" and more! We loved that he came to the house to work with us, and wrote up very detailed training plans after each session. He was really patient with the dogs, and answered all the questions we had throughout the process. Would definitely work with him again in the future! - Krissy

It was great working with you, Ellie learned a lot and so did we!”- Marilyn B.

Ed is patient, caring about the dog and the human. He listens and hears, doing his best to address the problem issues, with concise exercises, explained in full. He is proficient in breed characteristics, gentle, kind and truly loves dogs and his work. Ed was a huge asset for me and my German Shepherd. Highly recommended! - Lisa G.