Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

1. What type of training style do you use?

I use reward-based training during my sessions, commonly referred to as positive-reinforcement. My experience has been that this is the most effective way to train and causes the least amount of stress to the animal. To be more specific, I don’t use shock, pinch, or prong collars. As a result, I don’t provide instruction in the use of the devices.

2. Do you offer Virtual Training?

Yes! Virtual Sessions are completed Via Zoom or Google Meets. We can walk you through the program setup to make it as easy as possible. This can also be a perfect option for those that live outside of the Oakland County Michigan region or those dogs that feel less than comfortable with people.

3. Are you a certified dog trainer?

Yes, I am certified by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT).

CCPDT Directory

4. What was involved in obtaining your certification?

A minimum of 300 hours of dog training (many more hours at this point). I also successfully passed the CDPT exam covering topics such as learning theory, instruction, animal husbandry, and ethology. In addition, I am required to complete continuing education in order to maintain my certification. This ensures that I am using the latest scientific training methods.

5. How much does training cost and how can I pay you?

Generally speaking, $90 for a 1 hour session. I say generally because it does depend on where a client is located. A travel fee may be charged if a client’s home is located outside of my service area. I am located in Oakland County, MI and unfortunately I cannot service every area. Price is discussed prior to the first session. I can also complete sessions virtually!

Training Package

  • 3 sessions for $240, same conditions above apply.

I can accept Cash, Check, Venmo, and PayPal for payment.

6. Am I obligated to continue training with you after 1 session?

No! I feel that the working relationship has to be a solid one for all parties involved. If you feel that one session is enough, I appreciate the opportunity! I also receive a lot of calls for minor issues, that may only require one session. I would say that most of my clients typically book several sessions in order to maintain progress, but continuance is completely up to you.

7. Do you provide Security or Service Dog Training?

Unfortunately, I do not.

8. What’s the best way to contact you?

You can schedule an appointment here. Additionally you can call, email, text, or message me on Facebook and Instagram. If I miss your call, please leave me a detailed message and I’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as I can!

(586) 307-5714

Social Media Links